About 8pm, emergency services were called to a home on Harrow Road, after reports a home was well light.
The occupants, a 50-year-old man, a 35-year-old woman and four children aged three, five, seven and 10, escaped the blaze uninjured, and surrounding properties also had to be evacuated.
It is believed the fire started in the garage and the cause is yet to be determined.
As inquiries continue, anyone with information is urged to come forward.
Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or nsw.crimestoppers.com.au. Information is treated in strict confidence.
Arrested for slavery
THREE people from Merrylands have been charged with slavery offences following an investigation by Australian Federal Police (AFP).
The human trafficking investigation centred on allegations that an Afghani citizen married to an Australian man, was deceived by her husband into travelling to Afghanistan on a one-way ticket in January 2018 before he allegedly returned to Australia without her.
The woman alerted authorities the following month when she returned to Australia and on March 27 last year, AFP and Australian Border Force (ABF) officers searched a Merrylands home and seized personal items belonging to her, along with $88,750 in cash.
On Wednesday, July 10, AFP officers arrested the woman’s 39-year-old husband, his 28-year-old brother and 58-year-old mother, and will allege that the woman was forced into domestic servitude before she went to Afghanistan.
The trio were each charged with two counts of exercise powers of ownership over a slave, while the man and his mother were also each charged with two counts of possessing a slave.
The AFP have also re-opened an investigation into a 2013 referral relating to allegations of domestic servitude involving the 39-year-old’s first wife.
AFP acting commander national response operations, Chris Goldsmid, said the investigation is a reminder that modern slavery exists in Australia.
Family evacuated
A CRIME scene has been established following a house fire in Auburn last Friday night.