
Your feedback urged on ‘overdevelopment’ plan

COMMUNITY consultation opened last week on a proposal which could see up to 1,255 residential units built on the former WesTrac site between the rail line and the M4 at Holroyd.

Exisiting zoning for the site at 1 Crescent Street, only permits B5 Business Development with heights of 15 metres (four storeys).
However the Sydney Central City Planning Panel has given the green light to a planning proposal, which includes rezoning to allow several residential buildings of up to 96 metres (28 storeys), and it has progressed to the next stage of rezoning with public comment open until Sunday, August 30.
A spokesperson for the developers behind the Crescent Parklands proposal, welcomed the public exhibition process.
“We are very happy the development application has reached this stage and look forward to receiving the feedback from the community, many of whom have been very positive” he said.
However Cumberland Mayor Steve Christou has already made his opposition to the proposal clear telling residents they “need to brace themselves” for what he described as a “massive overdevelopment”.
He said with no detailed plans for infrastructure upgrades and limited public transport nearby, “it’s just not smart planning”.
“This area on the M4, Woodville Road and Parramatta Road, is already heavily congested with traffic.
“Somehow the developers think they’re going to ease traffic congestion by possibly opening up an extra lane in the side street. I don’t know how this is going to happen. Perhaps they’re going to conjure up some magical Jedi powers.”
Cr Christou strongly encouraged residents opposed to the proposal to make their views known to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment as part of the community consultation process.
Details of the proposal are available at