
Young invited to join Scouts

EXPERT at providing amazing adventures in a safe, supportive environment, Scouting fosters young people’s development and character – socially, physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.

2nd Panania Scouts Group Leader Nick Wolf says ‘life-changing’ is an understatement when talking about the positive impact Scouting has on young people.
Aside from learning essential outdoor skills like how to safely wield a hatchet, tie a bowline, or de-capsize a canoe, or indoor skills like cooking, being a Scout teaches young people countless core values on their path to becoming mature adults.
Activities include camping, archery, water pursuits like canoeing, abseiling, rock climbing, bushwalking, construction and first aid, with some exciting opportunities coming up in 2024.
“We are planning to go on snow hikes and learn skiing at Jindabyne this winter as well as taking part in air activities at Camden Airport; the older scouts will get the chance to pilot a plane with trained pilots and there will be a lot of other great activities in the lead up to the next Australian Scout Jamboree which is in Queensland,” Nick said.
“It’s all about providing our members with opportunities they would not get to do normally.
“Our programs are youth lead, leader-supported. What this promotes for the youth are skills in goal setting, planning, implementing their individual or unit plans and reviewing the activities, communication, leadership, teamwork, creativeness and resourcefulness.”
As well as welcoming any volunteer leaders, Nick said they had vacancies across the three age groups – Joeys (five to eight years), Cubs (eight to 12 years) and Scouts (12 to 15 years) – and would be recommencing sessions on Monday, February 5.
To find out more or register you child to attend: