
Women’s Shelter now closer

THE first local crisis accommodation centre for women is a step closer with building works complete and Revesby Workers’ Club signing a lease for a club-owned property in the local government area to be known as Biyani House Women’s Shelter.

With Biyani an indigenous word meaning ‘a women’s ceremony focused on the healing of women’, the growing need for a shelter first came to the attention of club executives in 2018 when they were invited to attend Women’s Community Shelter’s (WCS) Bayside Shelter – their sixth – ahead of its opening.
After the State Government confirmed the Revesby area was in need of crisis support for women, a club steering committee was formed to assist with the project.
The steering committee then elected a Board responsible for setting up the operation, including club director Kylie Wilkinson and club executive manager Sharyn Buhagiar.
The Biyani Board engaged a builder who was given an extensive list of essential works required in order to safely house up to five women and their children in a crisis situation.
“Through ClubGRANTS, Biyani House Revesby Women’s Shelter was fortunate to secure a large grant to fund the building works,” Revesby Workers’ Club CEO Scott Bennetts said.
“Other local clubs have also contributed to the ongoing operations of Biyani House and these include Bankstown Sports, Canterbury Hurlstone Park RSL, Canterbury League and Campsie RSL.
“The signing of the lease was another big step in the right direction with the shelter likely opening in September.”