Flames burning bright for second year in row
Club vice president Robyn McBride said: “We celebrated by hosting a morning tea and subsequent flag-raising of the pennants flag which we now fly proudly each Thursday while we play our bowls.
“Following the morning tea, we enjoyed a morning of social bowls with our guests from Grandviews, Earlwood Bardwell Park, Revesby Workers’ and Mt. Lewis Clubs.”
Founded about 50 years ago, Roselands Bowling Club became Roselands Flames seven years ago after the old club building was knocked down, rebuilt and named the Lantern Club.
“We are a sub-club having the use of two greens,” Robyn added.
“Bowls is a wonderful sport which is played for not only personal enjoyment, but for health reasons in the fresh air of the great outdoors.

“With researchers saying that playing bowls can add 20 years to your life, it is a low-impact sport (and thus can be played by all ages), aids in co-ordination and skill development and helps you gain more confidence.
“The comaraderie and companionship shared by bowlers is quite unique. Once you become a member, you can enjoy bowls at any club in the State.”
Roselands Flames Women plays on Thursdays, meeting for a simple morning tea at around 9am and start bowls from 9.30am till around 12.30 to 1pm.
Free coaching and uniforms are available to all new members; for further info, call the Hon Secretary Cherlye Trikeriotis on 9793 1823 or 0409 066 603.