Recognition for six inspiring locals at afternoon tea
The women (pictured) – Creative Arts and Cultural Award, Lyn Martin; Young Local Woman, Lizi McLeod; Woman Hip Hop Activist of the Year, Zeadala; Local Woman of the Year, Rana Lakmas; Local Woman Community Award, Sanjalin Krishan; and Woman Activism Award, Nadia Saleh – were congratulated by Mayor Khal Asfour at an afternoon tea in their honour.
A highlight at the celebration was guest speaker, Belmore Boys High School principal Hala Ramadan, who spoke about how she helps guide young men and their parents.
“It’s about expanding their horizons and building aspirations in all young people, both men and women,” she said.
“In order to support women, we need to teach our boys how to become advocates for them – their sister, mum, aunty, grandmother, teacher – that’s why it’s so important they understand how to empower females.
“We make it a priority they learn that women are equal and we not only build our boys up, but help them recognise the importance of the wellbeing and strength of the women in their lives.
“Like on International Women’s Day, our students celebrated the important women in their lives and their achievements, but we also made sure we raised an awareness about the injustices women still face to this day, from the gender pay gap to human trafficking.”
Ms Ramadan said her school also promoted supporting parents, often the mothers and female role models of her students.
“I am someone who came to Australia when I was 15, and didn’t know a word of English,” she said.
“If I can reach the position that I am in, anyone can.”