Describing the club as a “pretty easy going”, president Charlie Brown admits with a laugh that they happy to “bend the rules a little bit”.
“We are a social club, not a win-at-all-costs group,” he said.
“We don’t really get bogged down on the rules as much as some others.”
He said the club had about 28 members with an average age of about 65 and played games on Tuesdays and Thursdays with three prizes up for grabs, plus eight pin prizes.
“Game fees are reasonably priced and cover green fees, game day prizes, bi-monthly barbecues and subsidise our annual presentation day function and end of year gala day,” he said.
“On Tuesdays, games are played mainly at Woodville but once a month, they are played at Rosnay and once every few months at Georges River.
“On Thursdays, games are mainly played at Woodville, though on occasion games are played at other courses.”
Mr Brown said financial members of Guildford Leagues who are aged over 55, are welcome to join the Wombats, “no matter what your handicap may be or even if you are a novice golfer”.
For more information, contact Guildford Leagues Club or visit
Wombats not for fierce competitor just golf for those having some fun
FIERCELY competitive golfers might not enjoy playing a round with members of the Guildford Leagues Wombats Senior Social Golf Club.