
Wins Australian Irish Dance Title

HE wants to win the World Irish Dancing Championships one day and Padstow dancer Charlie Jonach is now a step closer after recently winning the Australian National Irish Dancing Championships in the Sub Minor Boys 8 years category.

Trained by Fiona Gaye Moore Academy in Padstow, with Fiona Gaye and her son and daughter both former world champions too, Charlie (pictured) has been dancing for 18 months but has only been in ‘hard shoes’ for eight months.
Mum Kate has lived in Ireland and is of Irish heritage.
“We are from Counties Clare and Donegal and both Charlie’s Dad Chris and I perform music, particularly Irish folk music,” she said.
“We love Irish culture and wanted our children, including younger sister Elke, to have a connection to their Irish heritage through the arts.”
She said it was easy convincing Charlie to give Irish Dancing a go.
“Charlie loves new challenges and learning new steps,” she said.
“He’ll compete in the State and National Championships again this year and hopefully do well again on his journey, of course, to be the world’s best.”
Teacher Fiona Gaye said: “Charlie’s wins this year were a credit to his hard work. From his first day, you could see he had something special. Nice to see that growth develop into a national championship win.”