
Win for Wilkins

THE year-long battle to save Globe Wilkins Preschool has paid off with the State Government promising a two-year lease extension and getting discussions underway to secure a permanent home.

Much loved preschool granted two-year lease

After operating from dedicated classrooms at the Wilkins Public School in Petersham for almost 20 years, the NSW Education Department told the Inner West Council they wouldn’t renew the lease when it expired in December 2019.
Catering for about 70 children, the Globe is one of only 20 preschools Australia-wide to currently hold a National Quality Framework ‘Excellent’ rating, the highest award an Education and Care Service can receive.
State MP for Summer Hill, Jo Haylen, congratulated the parents from Save Globe Wilkins following the news from Education Minister Sarah Mitchell, who made the announcement to a packed room of parents and children at the preschool.
“Thanks to the hard work and persistence of parents, carers and educators, one of the best preschools in our local community has been saved,” Ms Haylen said.
“Globe Preschool is the gold standard when it comes to co-locating preschools in our public schools.
“This is a common-sense solution that guarantees the preschool’s future while also acknowledging the need to meet the growing needs of Wilkins Public School.
“I thank the Minister for stepping in to save our beloved preschool.”
Mayor Darcy Byrne said he’s looking forward to working with the Department of Education as they open an exciting new chapter for the preschool.
Also welcoming the decision, Cr Anna York said: “Globe is a special place and I’m so thrilled that it will continue to set the bar for public childcare services well into the future.
“Childcare is a necessity for Inner West parents and we can’t afford to go backwards in the number of places and quality of care available,” she said.