
Where children as young as two get top start excelling in public speaking

CHILDREN as young as two confidently walked onto the stage, introduced themselves and recited their poem for Lidcombe Preschool Kindergarten Long Daycare Centre’s annual Poetry Day (pictured).

With special guest and Federal MP for Reid, Dr Fiona Martin, in attendance, the children and their poetry skills shone in front of family and friends.
Dr Martin spoke at the event about the importance of the early years in setting children up for life, with Centre Director Karthika Viknarasah explaining that public speaking is a vital part of their program.
“We have invested a lot in ensuring that all our educators receive extensive training in speech and communication development and are thrilled to see it pay off in the children,” she said.
“It is amazing to see the growth in children’s confidence and skills as they engage in these kinds of performances.
“We all know that speaking to an audience is an important skill, but this is often difficult even for adults. To see such young children confidently deliver speeches and poems to an audience is a real testament to how capable and competent young children can be. The right environment with the right adults around them, can really help children shine.”