A FREE ‘Stand Out Social Media Bootcamp’ for Cumberland local businesses, will be at the Granville Town Hall on Tuesday, June 18, 9.30am-4pm. The personalised service supports small-to-medium businesses to grow. Bookings: 8757 9491 or cumberland.nsw.gov.au/business.
FIND a playing partner and refine your board game skills with chess, backgammon, monopoly and scrabble at Merrylands Library this Thursday, June 20, 2pm-4pm.
PEOPLE with dementia and their carers can join the Dementia Cafe at Dooleys Lidcombe coffee shop this Friday, June 21, 10.30am-12pm. Details: 9845 6903.
DOOLEYS Camera Club will meet at Dooleys Lidcombe Catholic Club this Friday, June 21, at 7.30pm. Details: 9773 9666 or dooleyscc.com.au.
THE Rotary Club of Holroyd will meet in Club Merrylands on Monday, June 24, at 6.30pm. Details: holroydrotary.org.au.
REGENTS Park Combined Probus Club will meet at the rear of the Regents Park Library on Monday, June 24, at 1.30pm. Details: Pam, 9644 7458.
LIDCOMBE Toastmasters will meet in the Keighery Hotel at 51 Rawson Street, Auburn, next Tuesday, June 25, 7.30-9.30pm. Details: Nick, 0403 244 144.
THE Merrylands RSL Dominoes Club plays on Sundays at 10.45am, with registration from 10.30am. Anyone can join and play four to a table; club members play five rubbers of five games each. Entry is $3, with a first prize of $30 and runner-up of $25.
THE Granville Men’s Shed is open at 243 Clyde Street, South Granville. Drop in Tuesdays and Wednesday, 9am-3pm, and Saturdays, 9am to 1pm. A social day is also held on Thursday. Details: Michael, 0410 561 163.
DEVELOP public speaking skills with Parkview Powertalkers. The club will meet at the Regents Park Community Centre next Tuesday, June 25, at 10.15am. Details: Dagmar, 9749 1135.
THE council’s next free Immunisation Clinic is at the Berala Community Centre on Tuesday, June 25, 9.30-11am. Bookings: 8757 9642 or 8757 9567.
PRESCHOOL story time is held from 11am at Berala Community Centre and libraries at Auburn, Regents Park, Lidcombe, Granville, Guildford and Merrylands. The program features songs and simple craft for children aged three to five. Details: 8757 9065.
SENIORS aged 65 and over, along with people aged 18 and over with a disability, can learn how to surf the internet with volunteers from Silver Surfers at Guildford Community Centre, Mondays and Fridays, 10am-12pm. Bookings essential on 8757 9031.
Listings for Community News should be received a week before publication date.