Mens Shed Open Day prizes
FIND out what happens behind the doors of the Riverwood Mens Shed at an Open Day on Thursday, November 28, from 10am to 12pm. Riverwood Community Centre community development and information officer Lin Zhou says everyone is welcome, with the shed open to women as well as men. Located in the Lincoln Building at 4 Roosevelt Avenue in Riverwood, there will also be lucky door prizes.
Granted $9.5m to fix parking
THE Federal Government has committed $9.5 million towards fixing parking in Revesby, says Federal MP for Banks, David Coleman. “Parking in Revesby has been an ongoing and serious concern for many local residents,” he said and “these are much-needed funds in order to tackle this serious problem”. The Federal Government will work with State Government on the implementation of the project.
Health check at Seniors Expo
THE Active Ageing Seniors Expo will be held at Bankstown Sports on Thursday, November 28, 10am-2pm. “This Expo is a great chance to learn about a wide range of services in the area and to find out about staying healthy and active in the community,” said Roxana Rascon, Executive Officer of the Multicultural Network. There will be free health and hearing tests, as well as information and demonstration classes.
New clearways to ease traffic
MORE than 53,000 motorists could enjoy smoother and more reliable journeys on King Georges Road with new and extended clearways to be operational from December.
The new clearways will operate in both directions on King Georges Road from Monday, December 2, from 6am to 7pm on weekdays and from 9am to 6pm on weekends and public holidays.