What's On

What’s On

Wednesday, August 21
A LEARNING space for school aged children is available at the Berala Community Centre from 3.30pm to 5pm. Volunteer tutors are available. Details: 8757 9026.

Friday, August 23
The Lidcombe Combined Probus Club meets at the Lidcombe Bowling Club at 9.30am. New members welcome.

Sunday, August 25
CINEWEST Cinematheque presents free screenings of classic films each month at the Newington Armory Theatre at Sydney Olympic Park. Released in 1991, Through the Olive Trees (18+), directed by Abbas Kiarostami, will be screened from 2-4pm.

MEET at the Newington Armory Visitor Centre for a free, guided birdwatching walk with the BirdLife Discovery Centre from 10am. Details: 9647 1033, or email southernnsw@birdlife.org.au.

ENJOY fun art activities for all ages with the Creative Connections Program at the Peacock Gallery in the Auburn Botanic Gardens from 12-3pm. Details: 8745 9794 or visit eventbrite.com.au.

Monday, August 26
REGENTS Park Combined Probus Club will meet at the rear of the Regents Park Library at 1.30pm. Details: Pam, 9644 7458.

AUBURN-LIDCOMBE Girl Guides aged six to 15 meet at the Auburn Guide Hall on Olympic Drive, Lidcombe, 6-7.45pm. Details: Fay, 9649 8601 or Ruth, 0404 666 952.
THE Rotary Club of Holroyd will meet in Club Merrylands at 6.30pm. Details: holroydrotary.org.au.

Tuesday, August 27
THE Rotary Club of Granville meets at the Granville Diggers at 6pm. Under the motto of ‘Service above Self’, Rotarians work on local and worldwide projects. Details: 0412 086 536.

JOIN the free Mini Park Rangers program at Sydney Olympic Park from 10-10.45am. Children aged up to five and parents can enjoy stories, songs and crafts exploring the natural world. Register on 9714 7888, and meet at the Egret Pavillion in Bicentennial Park.

WELLNESS activities and gentle exercises for seniors over 65 and people with a disability aged 18 and over, are held from 10am to 2pm at Guildford Community Centre on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays; Berala Community Centre on Wednesdays; and Granville Library on Thursdays. Meals, $8.20, activity, $4.50, and transport available for $11. Details: 8757 9031.

WESTERN Sydney University researchers are recruiting people who have elbow pain, such as tennis elbow, for a study to understand how pain affects the brain. Details: 4620 3965 or g.alhassani@westernsydney.edu.au.

THE Peacock Gallery’s Made in Cumberland Gallery Shop is stocked with items made by local artists. Open Tuesday to Sunday, 11am-4pm.
PRESCHOOL story time is held on Mondays and Thursdays at Auburn Library; Mondays at Regents Park Library; Wednesdays at Lidcombe Library; Wednesdays and Fridays at Guildford Library; Thursdays at Granville Library; and Tuesdays and Fridays at Merrylands Library. Sessions start at 11am with songs and simple craft for children aged three to five. Details: 8757 9065.

SENIORS aged 65 and over, along with people aged 18 and over with a disability, can learn how to surf the internet with volunteers from Silver Surfers at Guildford Community Centre, Mondays and Fridays, 10am-12pm. Bookings essential, 8757 9031.

Listings for Community News should be received a week before publication date.