A FREE Healthy Lifestyle Group, including a women’s gym and nutrition education, is on offer at Bankstown Women’s Health Centre, on Wednesdays, 11am-12.30pm; a free craft group on Tuesdays, 9.30-11.30am, a free gentle exercise for women over 55 on Mondays, 9.30-10.30am; free food share on Thursdays, 9.30-10.30am; $10 yoga on Wednesdays, 9.30-10.30am; and a free Tuning into Teens program. Register: 9790 1378.
JOIN the Kingsgrove Community Aid Centre’s Seniors Social Support Groups for people 65 and over. Enjoy morning tea with friends, bus outings and excursions to places of interest and much more on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9am-4pm. There is also a Mandarin speaking group on Monday and an Arabic speaking group on Wednesday. Transport available. Details: 9150 7823 or cbdc@kcac.org.au
RIVERWOOD Probus will meet at Club Rivers, Riverwood, on Wednesday, July 24, 10.15am. Guest speaker John Elliot will talk about Careflight. The group enjoys walks, entertainment and luncheons. Visitors welcome. Details: Craig, 9584 8913.
REGENTS Park Combined Probus Club will meet at the rear of the Regents Park Library on Monday, July 22, at 1.30pm. Meet interesting people for conversation, outings, theatre and travel. Details: Pam, 9644 7458.
INTERESTED in learning drawing, painting and hands on craft? Art Club on Chapel is running art class and school holiday activities for children age 5-10 at St Paul’s Anglican Church Bankstown every Thursday. Registration and info: Bing, 0414 011 461.
LEARN how to get the most from your compost or worm farm at a free masterclass at the Chester Hill Community Gardens, cnr Hector and Waldron streets, on ‚ÄãSaturday, July 20, 10am-12pm. This workshop is for people with existing worm farms or compost who want to learn more. Bookings essential at eventbrite.com.au
A YOGA-Pilates Program for Over 55s will be held at Yagoona Community Centre, July 22-September 23, 8.45-9.45am. Fitness 2 Wellbeing will facilitate this restorative program designed to aid the body and mind using yoga and pilates (BYO mats, towels, water bottles). Cost: Donation. Spaces limited. Bookings: 1300 874 348.
REVESBY Writer’s Group meets on the first Saturday of the month in the Macarthur Room, Revesby Workers’ Club. Get help writing memoirs, poetry or stories from 1pm. Next guest speaker will be Deb Doyle BA on editing. Details: 9709 4117.
ARE you a mother who would like to improve your English? The Mum to Mum program runs every Friday, 9.30-11.30am, at the Greenacre Area Community Centre during school terms. A trained teacher and volunteers help the group to practise their English. Free child care. For info, call 9750 7982.
CANTERBURY Earlwood Caring Association is offering an eight-week, Absolute Beginner to Intermediate level course using Microsoft Office 2016 and Windows 10 on modern laptops. Programs will include Skype, Photo-editing, emailing and the internet. Starts on July 29, Mondays and Wednesdays, 10.30am-12.30pm; cost $40. Places limited. Bookings essential on 9559 4013.
FREE Community Bike Rides up to 30km are held on the first Sunday of the month, 9.30am-noon, from the WSCN bike shed at the back of Fairfield showground, off Moonlight Road, Prairiewood. Free sausage sizzle on return. Must have a roadworthy bike. Under-18s to be with adult. Details: westernsydneycyclingnetwork.com.au
Listings for Community News should be received a week before publication date.