What's On

What’s On

Thursday, July 11
GET someone in your corner with ‘Smart, Skilled and Hired’, a free service that connects young people aged 15 to 24 with youth coaches at Guildford Community Centre, 2.30-4.30pm. Details: 9632 2765.

HELPING people overcome and improve anxiety, depression and loneliness and improve mental health, the friendly Grow Lidcombe group meets in the Lidcombe Community Hall, 6.30-8.30pm. Details: Kylie, 9633 1800.

Friday, July 12
DOOLEYS Camera Club will meet at Dooleys Lidcombe Catholic Club at 7.30pm. Details: 9773 9666.

Sunday, July 14
MEMBERS of the Creative Writing Club will meet at Merrylands Library, 2-4.30pm. Whether you write poems, songs, books or screenplays, you are welcome to join. Details: 8757 9065.

SYDNEY Scallywags Flyball Club train at Princes Park with entry via Princes Road West, 12.45-4.30pm. Info at sydneyscallywags.com.au.

Tuesday, July 16
The Auburn Lidcombe Lions Club will meet at the Auburn Tennis Club at 6.30pm. Details: Ralph, 0414 592 189.

THE Rotary Club of Granville meets at the Granville Diggers at 6pm. Under the motto of ‘Service above Self’, Rotarians work on local and worldwide projects. Details: 0412 086 536.

THE Auburn City Men’s Shed is open at 356 Park Road, Regents Park, Monday to Wednesday, 9am-4.30pm. Details: 9644 7433 or auburnmensshed@gmail.com.

A NOT-FOR-PROFIT organisation, Community Wheels Inc provides transport services for residents living in the Parramatta, Holroyd and bordering area of Auburn to destinations within these areas. Details: 8868 1400.

TO help households reduce their organic waste, Cumberland Council has a Compost Bin and Worm Farm Rebate Program, offering eligible members of the community a rebate of up to $50. For more info, call 8757 9000, or visit cumberland.nsw.gov.au.

TOYS, books and movies are available for hire to members of Cumberland Council’s toy library service at the Wentworthville Library. For info, call 9896 0083.

DOOLEYS Lidcombe Catholic Club supports a number of social clubs, including a knitting group as well as the euchre, camera, fishing, golf, snooker, travel and walking clubs. Details: 8745 6100.

SOLACE is a grief support group for people who have lost a partner through death. Details: 9519 2820.

WESTERN Sydney University researchers are recruiting people who have elbow pain, such as tennis elbow, for a study to understand how pain affects the brain. Details: 4620 3965 or g.alhassani@westernsydney.edu.au.

THE Peacock Gallery’s Made in Cumberland Gallery Shop is stocked with items made by local artists. Open Tuesday to Sunday, 11am-4pm.

THE Auburn Police Area Command operates a register for older people who may be living on their own, with a weekly phone call. If you know someone who could benefit, call 9646 8691.

Listings for Community News should be received a week before publication date.