
West not dumping ground for ISIS bride resettlement

CUMBERLAND Council will write to the Federal Government voicing its concerns over plans to repatriate ISIS brides, some of whom have already returned.

It will also affirm its strong opposition to any proposed repatriation of citizens within Cumberland where those individuals are not directly related to family that reside in the area.
Councillor Steve Christou slammed the controversial Federal Government proposal as treacherous and un-Australian and led the charge at the last council meeting for a call for clarification on the plans to resettle them in Western Sydney, including proposed residential locations, security arrangements and foreseen impacts such resettlements may have on local communities.
Cr Christou says Western Sydney cannot be a dumping ground for ISIS brides.
“What has happened is a treacherous and unpatriotic move against the people of Australia and our local community,” he said.
He says there are also concerns that ISIS brides will receive priority welfare and housing assistance, jumping the queue ahead of Australian citizens and local residents who have been on the housing waiting lists for over 12 years.
“We must ensure the concerns and safety of our community is paramount,” he said.
Cumberland Mayor Lisa Lake has supported the Federal Government’s decision to bring these women and children to a place of safety in Australia.