The program is designed to reduce anxiety and sensory stress for customers with specific needs, including autism, by providing a quieter and less stimulating environment in store.
Autism Spectrum Australia estimates more than 300,000 (or 1 in 70) Australians are on the autism spectrum.
Woolworths Berala will lower lights, turn down music and radio, and turn off oven buzzers for an hour every Tuesday between 10.30am and 11.30am.
Life Without Barriers Chief Executive Claire Robbs said: “Quiet Hour is a fantastic accessibility initiative by Woolworths that recognises that people have different accessibility needs.
“It gives people a way to do their shopping and increase their independence in an environment that is not stressful and overwhelming to them,” she said.
Weekly ‘Quiet Hour’ to support autistic
WOOLWORTHS Berala will now offer its low-sensory Quiet Hour to customers.