Football South Coast hosted the Illawarra’s first-ever Walking Football tournament, with the Sydney Striders taking out the Mixed Competitive division.
Taking on Wollongong Pacemakers in the final, the Striders won 2-1 with Football Canterbury regulars Lee Pepper, Kerryann Johnston, John Mangos, Fabian Santa Maria and Peter Di Prinzio all in the line-up.
Football Canterbury holds Walking Football sessions every Saturday at Rudd Park, Belfield, with the action kicking-off at 2pm every week.
Convenor Nick Bron says Walking Football is the fastest growing sport in the UK, with social, competition and even World Cup games on offer there.
After introducing the first Walking Football program at Canterbury last summer, he says he is yet to meet anyone – with football (soccer) experience or not that hasn’t fallen in love with the game.
“It’s really worth a try for everyone, especially for older people,” he said.
“It’s non-contact and there’s no running so there’s no muscle soreness later.
“I’d even describe it as much more than a sport since it gives your mental health a boost.”
Bron says the group of about 30 regulars is very inclusive and he tries to make it as much fun as possible.
“It’s all the joy you had kicking a ball as a six-year-old when you didn’t care who won,” he said.
“Come along and give it a go, you’ll be so pleased you did.”
Further info:
Walking Football kicks off
A TEAM comprising mainly players from Football Canterbury’s Walking Football Saturday sessions, have won the Walk the Field tournament in Wollongong.