
Walk, sprint, cycle way to aid those fleeing violence

THREE members of Padstow Community Care are taking part in this month’s Spring Active Appeal to raise funds to assist women trying to get their lives together after domestic violence.

Katie Wendt has completed 70km by running and walking towards her goal of 100km, John Grinsell has cycled 330km towards 400km and Mark Bool has cycled 130km towards his 200km goal.
They are raising funds to purchase support packs, a ‘Bag of Change’ and a ‘Package of Hope’.
Each support pack has essential items that help give the best start to someone beginning a new life away from the oppression they have lived with.
Organiser John said these packs provided hope and encouragement in the face of significant challenges.
“We thought it was a great opportunity to improve our fitness and at the same time, help make a difference in the lives of those affected by domestic violence,” he said.
State Member for East Hills, Kylie Wilkinson, recently tabled a Hansard report on the Spring Active Appeal to the NSW Parliament, commending Padstow Community Care and the team who have already raised over $5,000 with the aim of raising $10,000.
Tax deductible donations are invited from individuals, organisations, businesses and clubs, and can be made at