
Using feedback for for new $7m centre

DETAILED designs for a new $7 million Auburn South Community and Recreation Centre, will be prepared after feedback from initial public consultations earlier this year.

Located on the former RSL Bowling Club site on Chisholm Road, the site was vacated in 2011 and after three calls for Expressions of Interest (EOI) failed to find an acceptable proposal for the site, the council opted to redevelop it for a community and recreational facility.
A report to the council noted that more than 600 people took part in community engagement activities around the proposed new centre.
While happy with the overall concept plan, respondents identified car parking, adequate school pick up areas, accessibility and the naming of the facility as the main areas of concern or improvement.
Key recommendations to be incorporated into the detailed design, include consideration of an additional accessible toilet with external access; redesign of the kiosk/commercial kitchen to ensure dual access to support concurrent indoor and outdoor activities; modifications to the Out Of School Hours (OOSH) space; and a review to ensure maximum use of the site including parking access.
When completed, the detailed designs for the new centre will again be exhibited for public comment.