With a population of 620 students from more than 40 different cultural backgrounds and 96 per cent from a language background other than English, the school has had its fair share of challenges and excelled in overcoming them.
At the end of 2018, the school completed its fourth year as an Early Action for Success Program School – Literacy and Numeracy, with the aim to be a community of life-long learners who can contribute to the ongoing development of society.

“We believe that our students need to be respectful, resilient, reflective, socially competent and creative citizens who can think critically, work collaboratively and communicate effectively,” Principal Greg Grinham said.
“To achieve this we commit to: Providing a happy, safe and supportive environment where diversity is valued; delivering a relevant and challenging curriculum that aims to develop the whole child; encouraging students to be active participants in their own learning; and a philosophy of continuous improvement based on collaboration between staff, students and parents.”

Granville Public’s commitment to engagement in current research has ensured that improvement is continuous and can be seen in student success in play-based learning (K-2) and project based learning (3-6), with extra benefits provided by specialist teachers, including learning support teachers, speech pathology support and developing individual learning plans as well introducing successful transition paths plus parent programs to enhance understanding so support can continue at home.
Last year the school won the Australian Educators Innovative School of the Year Award, Teacher Awards, Chinese Language Teacher of the Year Award and was Music Teacher of the Year finalist.
It was also the Champion School for Senior Netball and Basketball.