
Under pump for fuel transfer risk

THE NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is putting the fuel industry on notice after uncovering potentially high-risk fuel transfers occurring at petrol stations in NSW.

EPA officers have been made aware of drivers allegedly unloading fuel from their tankers into underground storage tanks without sufficient capacity, estimating when they are full and as a result, increasing the risk of fuel spills.
However BP Service Station Bankstown manager Tony Ibrahim says they are not aware of any safety incidents and reassures customers they have strict protocols in place during fuel transfers.
“We block off the whole area with cones and there is never any risk to customers being exposed to fuel spillages,” he said.
Likewise Metro Petroleum Revesby West manager Rahman Atiqur says safety is their top priority.
“We have never had a problem here,” he said.
NSW EPA Executive Director Operations, Jason Gordon, said they were cracking down on the entire industry to stamp out any irresponsible or dangerous practices.
“We’re making it absolutely clear to every transport company, driver, distributor, wholesaler and retailer, if you’re engaging in unsafe and risky fuel transfers it must stop immediately,” he said.
“We’re talking about the transportation and handling of a highly dangerous substance that is subject to strict legal requirements and could see a person fined up to $55,000 and face imprisonment, for corporations maximum fines are $275,000.”
If you suspect unsafe practices at a service station, contact the 24-hour Environment Line on 131 555 or email