Bowls Treasurer Tony Finneran said all new players were instructed during the game.
“Players of other sports who had incurred an injury or felt past their prime, enjoyed the new challenge, competitiveness and camaraderie that the friendliest sport of all offers,” he said.
“The balcony was filled with spectators enjoying the games and we’re looking to this week when the new club caterer starts.”
Bowls Club President Geoff Went said prizes were also drawn randomly and awarded to winning and non-winning and after twilight, bowlers were encouraged to support the Bill Bullard Charity raffle, with the chance of winning one of 10 meat trays, to support the hospital and other community projects.
“Come and give it a go, it’s very competitive, with having fun and relaxing being the main aims,” he said.
One of the new bowlers said: “It was a lot of fun and harder than I thought. I also won a prize and got my money for the game back, it’s a cheap sport.”
Held on Friday nights, players call 8707 6995 from 4-4.30pm or walk into the club at 2 Spence St, Revesby, before 4.30pm. Players are on the green by 5pm and finish after 16 ends or 7pm, whichever occurs first.
Twilight bowls ‘instant hit’ with new players
TWILIGHT Bowls has returned to Revesby Workers’ Sports Club after a three-year break due to covid, with 26 players including 14 women, five new bowlers and four younger players getting in on the action last Friday night.