
Tutoring can unlock key

WITH the HSC trials getting underway and students starting to think about their options, it provides a useful reminder that parents need to make active decisions that support their children’s learning and improve outcomes, according to CEO of the Australian Tutoring Association and Academic Leader at Potentia Tutoring, Mohan Dhall.

Greatly boost exam outcome

There’s hot debate around the subject of tutoring – as a fast-growing industry, many parents are concerned with both quality and results when looking into options for tutoring.
Many tutoring organisations focus on rote learning content to face exams, without working through concepts or engaging your child in the program.
It’s important to find a tutoring organisation that’s focused on providing quality help, not just promising higher scores.
As with anything, there is no magic bullet for achieving those band 6’s during HSC exams. However, for students heading into their HSC years, there is a lot that can be gained from the additional time to practice and focus on subjects that tutoring provides.
The key is time – tutoring gives students a time to focus on the topics, where they are struggling and where they are doing well; it allows students to engage with a tutor in a small group setting and helps build confidence.
If you have a good tutoring organisation supporting your child’s learning, the experience can really help boost confidence in the classroom and engagement with the subject.
“In a sense it is no different than developing a talent like sport, you have to practise to keep improving,” Mohan says.
For further info on Potentia Tutoring, call Megan Overton on 8774 2627 or email: