
Try your luck and help raise cash with UGLY bartenders

CHEERS to Greenacre Hotel and its staff who have come up with a couple of fun ideas for patrons to help raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation.

The hotel and its staff are taking part in the annual U.G.L.Y. Bartender of the Year competition which raises vital funds the foundation. UGLY is an acronym for ‘Understanding, Generous, Likeable You’.
Manager/licensee Alex Hunter, who has been taking part for years, says the promotional t-shirts worn by his staff, definitely spark a few conversations.
“And that’s what it’s all about. If we can get people talking about it we’re raising awareness, and the more people who know about it the more money can be raised,” he said.
The hotel is inviting patrons to try to balance a gold coin on a lemon in a bowl of water and take part in its lucky numbers competition.
Alex said no-one has ever balanced the coin but if someone does, “I will find a prize”.
The lucky numbers competition which is expected to be run weekly (or when all the numbers are sold) will see half the money raised go the winner and the other half to the Leukaemia Foundation.
“It’s all a bit of fun but a great way to raise funds,” Alex said.