Have say on housing bid
IF you’re in or around Dulwich Hill town centre on Thursday afternoon, July 18, then you may want to speak to council consultation staff who will be at the corner of Marrickville Rd and Seaview St from 4.45pm to 7pm, to discuss the draft local Housing Strategy. The Strategy could have significant impacts on Dulwich Hill, with it suggesting some 660 new homes could be built in the suburb. Find out more at savedully.com/housing-strategy
More needed to go batty
THE Inner West Microbat Monitors is a supervised volunteer group that meets for sunset surveys to collect data on microbats using high frequency recorders, with the next on Tuesday, July 23, 5-6pm, at Cadigal Reserve, Summer Hill. The Sydney Basin supports a rich microbat fauna of at least 19 species with four species predominantly cave-roosting, while the remaining 15 roost during the day in tree hollows, under bark and in buildings. New volunteers welcome. To join the group, email urbanecology@innerwest.nsw.gov.au.