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Toy Drive results in over 30 gifts given to sick kids for Eid al Adha

YOUNG patients undergoing treatment at Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital were given a nice surprise last week with a huge bunch of toys being delivered to them, thanks to the Penny Appeal.

MORE than 30 wrapped gifts were received at Penny Appeal Australia’s Punchbowl office in the first week of their inaugural Eid Toy Drive appeal for Eid al Adha.

Penny Appeal’s marketing and fundraising manager, Jasmin Ghandour, says it was very inspiring to witness the generosity displayed by not only regular donors, but those in the wider community within such a short period of time.

She said it’s the first time the organisation had run the initiative and all the gifts were given to young patients undergoing treatment at Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital on Friday, August 2.
“Eid al Adha is a four-day celebration when Muslims remember the spirit of giving,” she said.
“It is a particularly exciting time for children, who are encouraged from a young to share their blessings with those less fortunate.
“For children, this time of celebration is spent playing and exchanging gifts, so for those who are unable to celebrate at home, we thought to bring the excitement to them and offer support to their families during this auspicious occasion.”

Ms Ghandour said their team also extended “warm wishes and gratitude” to the hospital for the opportunity to make a difference and to touch the lives of so many young children.
For more information, call Penny Appeal Australia on 1300 347 947 or visit pennyappeal.org.au.