The range features iconic Wiggly characters wearing red noses – Dorothy the Dinosaur, Wags the Dog, Henry the Octopus and Shirley Shawn the Unicorn – and all proceeds will go towards Red Nose’s mission to save little lives by funding research, education programs and providing 24/7 support services for grief-stricken families when the worst does happen.
“We urge all Australians to embrace their silliness and actively fundraise to protect precious lives and extend compassionate assistance to affected families,” Red Wiggle Caterina Mete said.
Red Nose Australia CEO Keren Ludski said the Wiggles had been a long-standing part of our Red Nose family and she’s extremely grateful for their continued commitment to preventing little lives being cut tragically short.
“While significant progress has been made in reducing sudden infant deaths since the first Red Nose Day in 1988, with the rate of SIDS in Australia decreasing by 80 per cent, more research, education and support is desperately needed,” she said.
“More than 3,000 babies still die unexpectedly in Australia each year as a result of stillbirth, SIDS, SUDI and childhood accidents. By purchasing a Red Nose Day Wiggly character plush toy, you’ll be helping to change that.”
To get involved or for donations:
Toy collection wiggles in to boost Red Nose Day
AHEAD of the 35th Red Nose Day next Friday, August 11, Red Nose Australia and beloved children’s entertainers The Wiggles (pictured) have released a limited-edition plush toy collection to raise money and help save little lives.