
Tips to survive storm season

LEARN how to prepare yourself, your family and your home ahead of storms and floods with a series of Get Ready workshops organised by the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) Marrickville Unit.

Marrickville Unit community engagement coordinator, Julie Powell, says the first workshop for women will be held at their unit headquarters on Railway Road in Sydenham, next to the skate park, on Wednesday, August 21, at 6.30pm to 9.30pm.
She says the workshops, which are supported by NRMA Insurance, will provide a fun and focused environment where attendees can learn some practical skills, tips and tricks to safeguard their home, family and pets when storms and floods hit.

“We are planning men’s and mixed workshops fro October to February so please keep an eye on our Facebook page for more information,” Ms Powell said.
“The Get Ready program has been an outstanding success in other areas of NSW and we are very excited to bring it to our local community.”
Places are limited and participants need to be aged 18 and over. Registrations close on Monday, August 12, at