With counting still continuing, it looks increasingly likely that Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s Coalition Government will win the Federal Election with a slight majority.
Mr Clare said said he was grateful to the community for re-electing him.
“It is an enormous privilege to represent all of us in the Australian Parliament,” he said.
“Unemployment in our local area is still high. Traffic congestion is massive and big improvements are needed to make sure kids in our local area get the education they need to get a great job in the future.
“I will keep fighting to fix all of these things.
“The result was really disappointing, but we just have to get back up, look at what we did wrong and learn from our mistakes.”
He congratulated Scott Morrison and the Liberal Party on winning the election, saying: “It is an honour and a privilege to be elected Prime Minister. It is the toughest job in the country and I wish him well.”
Newly elected Federal MP for Reid, Ms Martin said she was “absolutely humbled by the trust that placed in me by people across Reid, and I cannot wait to get to work delivering for our community”.
“I will work every day to secure our future by guaranteeing funding for essential services that our community relies upon in Reid, back local small businesses to create more jobs and build the infrastructure our community needs to get ahead,” she said.
“This election was about the hope and aspiration that we all have for our families, our children, and our community.
“Voters looked at our policies and those of the opposition, and made a clear choice that a stronger economy is the only way to ensure our continuing national prosperity – including more job opportunities, more support for small businesses and funding for schools, hospitals, medicines and roads.”
Time to get on with job
THE voters have spoken and now it’s time to get on with the job, says Federal MPs for Blaxland and Reid, Jason Clare (Labor) and Fiona Martin (Liberal).