By pursuing relationship with eternal rescuer, son of God, Jesus
CHRISTMAS is a joyful season of the year, where people from all backgrounds across the world love to give gifts and receive gifts.
The best gift we can ever receive is the gift God gave us, a gift we will never be able to repay. In exchange for our sins, curse and shame, God offered us eternal rescue by sending Jesus Christ to earth as our Saviour. All we can do in return is to accept this remarkable gift and pursue a relationship with the greatest gift-giver of all time.
You may ask why we celebrate Christmas. At Christmas we celebrate the birthday of Jesus. But who is Jesus? The Bible tells us Jesus is the Son of God, who came down from heaven to give us the greatest gift any person can ever receive – the gift of eternal life.
By nature we are separated from God because of our sins, but Jesus came to take away our sins and make us part of God’s family forever. The Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
This Christmas, you will probably receive many gifts. The person who will give you the gift, would have taken effort to choose the best gift for you. But it will not be your gift, until you actually receive it.
The same is true, with God giving us the Gift of Eternal Life. You can accept this gift by inviting Jesus Christ to come into your heart. That’s why we celebrate Christmas.
You are welcome to join iShine’s weekly worship on Sundays at 9.30am at Padstow North Public School (Halcyon Avenue), with the Christmas service on Wednesday, December 25, at 9.30am.
Senior Minister, iShine, JP, Chaplain for Emergencies/Disasters and Chaplain for Bankstown Hospital.

OVER 100 guests enjoyed iShine’s free Multicultural Carol Night, with Pastor Paul Jabez saying the feedback was very positive. “It was a one of a kind event in Canterbury Bankstown and featured carols sung in other languages and a range of international cuisine such as Chilean, Filipino, Japanese, Chinese, Pakistani and Indian at the free, sit down dinner,” he said. The event also included gifts for the children from Santa and three Christmas hampers as lucky door prices.