NOMINATIONS for the 2019 Canterbury Bankstown Local Business Awards have closed and the mammoth task of counting the thousands of votes is underway.
Precedent Productions Managing Director and Awards founder Steve Loe said he never failed to be amazed at the huge number of entries that were received in support of Canterbury Bankstown businesses.
“The Canterbury Bankstown community is renowned for being close-knit and supportive of one another,” he said. “This proves, yet again, what a great place it is to live, work and do business.”
Anonymous judges will soon visit each finalist to assess their services from a customer’s point of view.
Judging criteria includes the range of products, value for money, business and staff appearance, service quality and customer relations.
Finalists also can also submit information about their business that a visitor may not see, such as customer testimonials and references.
None of this would be possible without the support of this year’s major sponsors, Canterbury Bankstown Council, NOVA Employment, Bankstown City Unity Bank and Bankstown Central and support sponsors, Revesby Workers’ Club, Revesby Village Centre, Service NSW and MWLP.
“It is only with their unwavering assistance that the program is able to continue to recognise the achievements of businesses and staff,” Mr Loe said.
The winners of each category will be announced at a presentation evening on Wednesday, July 24, at Revesby Workers’ Club.
Info and tickets: 8363 3333 or