
Those enrolling can take live, virtual tour

A CO-EDUCATIONAL secondary school with high expectations for student achievement and respectful behaviour, Kingsgrove High School programs are based on developing qualities that every student should have on leaving school.
“At Kingsgrove High School we prepare students for the future by providing them, from Years 7 to 12, with a quality education in a broad range of subjects to excel in an ever-changing world,” Principal Glenn Evans said.

Despite the pandemic challenges of the last two years, he said teachers were extremely happy with the recent HSC results achieved.
“We improved on the year before and are very happy with the number of students achieving results in Bands 5 and 6, putting them close to the top of their courses,” he said.
Future students and their parents can see what all the fuss is about and why the school has been so successful by taking a ‘virtual tour’ from Monday, March 7-14.
Small group tours are also on offer on Tuesday, March 8, 5-7pm.
Register attendance by visiting or calling 9150 4416.