
Third killed by partner

TWO of the six murders recorded in the Cumberland Local Government Area last year were allegedly the result of domestic violence.

In February 2019, a 73-year-old Merrylands man was charged with the alleged murder of his 63-year-old wife and in November, a 34-year-old woman was charged in relation to the alleged murder of a 34-year-old man at Granville.
Figures released by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOSCAR) this month, also showed a three per cent rise in reported domestic violence related assaults in Cumberland last year compared with 2018.
Earlier this month, Attorney General and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, Mark Speakman, announced that about 120 religious and community leaders across the State were set to receive domestic violence awareness and prevention training in a bid to boost victim support and increase reporting.
Other crime categories on the rise in Cumberland, include motor vehicle thefts, up by 15 per cent; indecent assault, act of indecency and other sexual offences, up by 11 per cent; steal from retail store offences, up by 8 per cent; and malicious damage to property, up by three per cent.
Robberies with a firearm also rose from 10 reported offences to 12 last year, while robberies involving a weapon other than a firearm were also up, with 38 offences reported in 2019 compared with 25 in 2018.
Reports of robbery without a weapon offences dropped from 68 in 2018 to 65 last year.
Falls were also recorded in six categories, including a 13 per cent drop in the number of reported sexual assault offences, nine per cent in steal from motor vehicle offences and seven per cent in steal from person offences.