
Tenders out for next stage of roadway fix

MOTORISTS are a step closer to safer and faster trips with tenders being called for the next stage of the Henry Lawson Drive upgrade between the M5 and Auld Avenue, Milperra.

The project will include widening Henry Lawson Drive to two lanes in each direction and creating new connections between Auld Avenue, Keys Parade, Raleigh Road and Henry Lawson Drive, and upgrades of key intersection at Keys Parade, Bullecourt Avenue and Pozieres Avenue, such as turning lanes and traffic signals, as well as continuous pedestrian and cycle links to places like the Auld Avenue sporting fields complex and Milperra Sports Centre.
State MP for East Hills, Kylie Wilkinson, said the proposal was supported by the community but requests were made by locals for a number of changes following the display of the Review of Environmental Factors, including lengthening the left turn lane from Henry Lawson Drive into Bullecourt Avenue which has been addressed.
Construction work on the nearby $144 million Stage 1A upgrade of Henry Lawson Drive is powering ahead, with between Auld Avenue and Tower Road, including the intersection with Newbridge Road.