
Take virtual Mecca tour after record youth night

AMONG the many highlights for Lakemba Mosque visitors at its 10th National Open Day, was a virtual reality tour of Mecca and a display of Islamic artefacts, manuscripts and other historic items, courtesy of Khaled Sabsabi and the Powerhouse Museum.

The Lebanese Muslim Association’s (LMA) iconic Ali Ibn Abi Talib masjid in Wangee Road, was the first mosque in Australia to hold an open day of any kind before the concept became a national initiative.
“An enlightening feature of the day was the Q & A session involving Sheikh Wesam Charkawi, Lakemba Mosque’s Sheikh Jamal Ud-Din El-Kiki and Shayka Umm Jamaal Ud-Din, where they interacted with visitors of other faiths,” a spokesperson said.
A day earlier, a record night time crowd of almost 10,000 people flocked to the mosque to listen to renown international speaker Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan.
Crowds of between 30,000 and 40,000 are standard at the Lebanese Muslim Association (LMA) owned Mosque on the morning of Eid-ul-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan every year but the largest night time gatherings are each night of Ramadan, where between 5,000 and 7,000 worshippers are in attendance.
“We had over 4,500 registrations for the Nouman Ali Khan youth night on October 27 and allowing for walk-ins, the crowd would have exceeded 9,000 with ease,” the LMA’s Religious Affairs Administrator Salim Allouche said.