
Take tour of Mecca at Mosque Open Day

FEATURING an exciting virtual reality tour of Mecca for the first time for visitors, Lakemba Mosque is joining others from across Australia to take part in the Lebanese Muslim Association-facilitated National Mosque Open Day (NMOD) this coming Saturday, October 28, 10am-4pm.

Opening their doors to members of their local communities regardless of their religious beliefs, NMOD is now in its 10th year and 2023 promises to be the best in the initiative’s decade long history.
“Another local mosque is taking part in NMOD this year along with Lakemba Mosque in Wangee Road – Regents Park Musala,” LMA religious affairs co-ordinator Salim Allouche said.
“NMOD provides community members who may belong to other faiths or who do not have a religion, the chance to visit a mosque and participate in various activities.”
Most mosques will have guided tours, information sessions, pamphlets about Islam, free copes of the Qur’an, displays of Islamic art and calligraphy and food from Islamic cultures – and there will also be activities for children.
“These open days are a great method of building bridges between various communities and help non-Muslims develop a much better understanding of Islam,” Mr Allouche said.