
Support to navigate new identity as mum

Courtney Whittle

ARE you a new mum looking for support and like-minded women to share experiences with and navigate the huge identity shift that comes with being a mother?

The Padstow Heights-based Georges River Mothers (G.R.M) Network prides itself on being a “mother’s group done differently” where the focus is not on bubs’ development but on supporting mums through their ‘matrescence’ – the physical, psychological and emotional changes you go through after the birth of a child.
Named by anthropologists, ‘matrescence’ has been largely unexplored in the medical community.
G.R.M Founder and Revesby resident Courtney Whittle says ‘matresence’ encompasses all of the drastic and holistic changes – physical, mental, emotional, social and more – that women experience when they transition from maiden to mother.
Courtney knows all too well the struggles faced by new mothers after her own journey overcoming postpartum depression and anxiety as a second time mum.
“Through our programs and events, I’m aiming to fill the gap in the support systems available,” she said.
“By providing our members with a safe and welcoming space to connect, gain understanding and receive support, I hope to help reduce social isolation and postpartum mood disorders in the community.
“Weekly and monthly catch ups, mums nights out and online community support are on offer; it’s a great opportunity to get out of the house for a laugh and a chat with other mums over a cuppa who understand what you’re going through.”
Meeting on Mondays, 10.30-11.30am, at Virginius Reserve and Miss Estelle’s Cafe, you can find out more or register for the initial six-week program at