
Students’ kind words to brave firefighters

JUST a few short weeks ago students from Guildford Public School were writing to firefighters thanking them for their bravery battling the horrific summer bushfires.
Stage one instructional leader Nadine Haynes said the students were looking forward to handing over their letters to firefighters from the Guildford Fire Station during a visit but the Covid-19 outbreak put those plans on hold.
“We have about 90 letters written by Year 2 students. Now they will be delivered or posted to local fire stations and the training college,” she said.
“We will still get the firefighters to do a school visit when normality resumes.”
The letters were written as part of a unit looking at themes of bravery and courage, with students originally set to move on to make connections to ANZAC Day and look at why it is important to remember our soldiers.
Miss Haynes said the students were able to express their feelings using words including “petrified”, “hazardous” and “courageous” because their teachers used quality texts to drive student learning such as Drought, Fire, and Flood by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley.
“Quality texts leads to quality talk, which leads to quality writing,” she said.
Excerpts from a selection of letters –
Bahara: “Thank you for saving the animals. Thank you for being courageous.”
Braxton: “Thank you for saving people from the deadly blazing fires. When you drive through fire do you feel petrified?”
Savar: “We are so lucky because you are doing a brilliant job.”
Amani: “How were you so courageous to go inside the humungous fire?”
Rosie: “We thank you for saving people from the scorching and burning fires so we can’t die in it because the fire is so hazardous to be in.”