
Stories inspire artworks

BYDS’ Stories of Strength celebrated the launch of ‘It’s Not all Black and White’ exhibition at Bankstown Arts Centre gallery last week.

Young interview survivors of hardship for tales

Stories of Strength is a project where young people in local high schools are taught high level interviewing skills for the purposes of locating stories of how individuals overcome hardship and trauma.
To date, over 120 participants have interviewed over 90 local people including parents, teachers, neighbours and friends.
BYDS’ Stories of Strength coordinators, Jess Paraha and Zainab Kadhim, commissioned 31 individual works of art to accompany a selection of audio stories.
These artworks, from a large scale mural by Lotte Smith, to small pencil drawings, were launched with a beautiful Acknowledgment to Country by singer songwriter Nardi Simpson.
Each artist was give the brief to listen to an interview and respond artistically.
BYDS’ Director, Tim Carroll said: “It is wonderful to see how each artist has responded artistically to these beautiful stories. Lotte Smith’s mural is a homage to all of the stories and will adorn the Bankstown Art Centre’s Imagine Wall until June 2019.