
Stay at home and save lives

As the Easter long weekend and the school holidays approach, police are reminding the community that travelling for holidays is not considered ‘essential’ travel.
While it’s understandable for families to want to come together and celebrate during these times, we all must do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19.
The NSW Premier and the NSW Health Minister have outlined orders under the Public Health Act that state a person must not leave their home without a reasonable excuse.
These rules do not prohibit people from going to the supermarket and pharmacy, going to and from work if you cannot work from home, going to medical appointments, or leaving for some brief exercise in your own neighbourhood.
NSWPF Commissioner Mick Fuller is reminding the community that while these reasons are legitimate, travel and holidays are not essential at this time.
“To help contain and slow the spread of COVID-19, we all have to work together and that means staying in our homes and our neighbourhoods for the time being.
“Travelling unnecessarily means risking further spread, particularly to smaller communities whose health systems will be put under immense pressure if the virus is introduced into their town.
“With the upcoming holiday period approaching, we continue to see some owners and operators of short-term accommodation facilities promoting non-essential travel. This is not in the spirit of the orders and sends mixed messages to the community.
“Our message is clear – the safest thing you can do right now is to stay at home. Stay at home and save lives,” Commissioner Fuller said.