
St Maroun’s celebrating its 50th

OVER 100 students, staff, families, members of the community and special guests have taken part in a ‘50-Year Jubilee Mass’ at Saint Maroun’s College, 194 Wardell Road, Dulwich Hill.

Presided over by His Excellency Bishop Antoine Charbel Tarabay, the mass was followed by a morning tea (pictured).
The history of Saint Maroun’s College began in 1968 when the Maronite Sisters of the Holy Family arrived in Australia at the invitation of Monsignor Ziade, head of the Maronite Church at Saint Maroun’s Cathedral in Redfern.
Renowned for their teaching methods that respect the individual’s right to meet their full academic potential while preserving their cultural identity, the Maronite Sisters set about establishing an educational facility that could meet the needs of the Lebanese Maronite migrant children in Australia, but has now expanded to cater for all cultures.
Principal Sr Margaret Ghosn thanked the governing board, staff, students, parents, priest chaplains and Maronite Sisters who have contributed to the ongoing success of Saint Maroun’s.
“I pray the next 50 years will be a time of great flourishing for all involved with Saint Maroun’s College,” Sr Ghosn said.
“Thank you to all and congratulations on being part of such a wonderful milestone – 50 years of educational excellence!”