Less noise benefits all
DOES this story sound familiar?
You find a seat on the train where you can listen to a podcast or read the paper or maybe just look out the window and enjoy some relaxation.
Along comes mother with two happy, noisy kids. That’s ok. They’ll settle down … but they don’t.
Recent research shows that infants and children struggle with listening in noise. Infants and toddlers have particular difficulty recognising their name and common words when in the presence of significant background speech.
Children with Autism often exhibit noise sensitivity and do their best to avoid noisy situations. Older adults with poor hearing or dementia may likewise retreat from difficult listening environments.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) claims that noise pollution is responsible for the “impairment of early childhood development and education”.
We can’t always exercise control over excessive noise but the places where we do have control is in our own home, our cars and anywhere we take our electronic or handheld devices that generate noise.
Turn them off or turn them down – especially around children.
So how do we keep them entertained? Remember books, cards and board games? Yes, you may be surprised that there has been a resurgence in the playing of cards and board games thanks to today’s young hipsters and … they actually talk to each other while they’re playing.
To address the issue of noise pollution, we recommend volume-limiting headphones or earbuds and there are some very impressive Australian-designed devices coming onto the market.
For more info or to make an appointment to arrange a hearing assessment, contact The Hearing Clinic – Bankstown on 9709 4888.