Real Estate

Soaring demand, rapid sales spell strong New Year

WE thought it couldn’t get much busier before Christmas, but we’ve been proven wrong.

Buyer demand has soared, houses in the Inner West are moving at a rapid pace, apartment sales have jumped dramatically, and first home buyers particularly have been very active in the market and determined to purchase prior to the end-of-year break.
Here at Day & Hodgson, we’ve also sold several properties to hot buyers even before they’ve gone to market.
These are all indicators that the first quarter of 2020 should be very strong.
Of course, the year’s not quite over yet, but housing stock should fall considerably in the next few weeks as more properties are snapped up, leaving most buyers waiting it out now until early in the New Year.
Sydney auction clearance rates recently hit the 79 per cent mark; in fact, the weekend of December 7, was one of the busiest auction weekends this year, so that gives you a pretty good idea of just how quickly the market is escalating. This doesn’t mean prices are going through the roof, though there’s certainly been a moderate increase; but it does show renewed confidence in the market, with buyers and sellers generally happy at both ends of the scale.
To other news, we recently celebrated our seven-year anniversary with the acquisition of a new agency operating under the Day and Hodgson banner.
This will help further our expansion and reach into other areas of Sydney, providing us with a bigger pool of landlords, tenants, buyers and sellers. This couldn’t have been achieved without referrals from our valued clients, our trade partners and the general public. Also, a big special thank you to our amazing team who have helped the Day and Hodgson Real Estate name become well-known throughout the Inner West and maintained its excellent market reputation.
We’re very excited to see what will happen in the next seven years – and beyond, so thank you for making Day and Hodgson part of your real estate journey.