Tara McCarthy, Deputy Secretary of Safety, Environment and Regulation at Transport for NSW, says children are some of our most vulnerable pedestrians and their safety is the number one priority.
Most school zones operate 8-9.30am and 2.30-4pm.
Motorists are urged to be extra careful while driving near schools, particularly near bus stops, school crossings and Kiss and Ride zones.
“Please slow down to the sign-posted speed limit in our school zones, and when bus lights flash, it is vital everyone slows down to 40km/h because this means a bus is picking up or dropping off children,” Ms McCarthy said.
“Higher fines and demerit points apply for certain offences committed in an active school zone, such as speeding, parking, or stopping illegally, using a mobile phone illegally and illegal U-turns.
“Please don’t put our kids’ lives at risk. ‘Just a bit over’ can be the difference between being able to stop in time or not at all.”
Slow down near school
MOTORISTS are reminded to slow down and watch out for children with students returning to school and school zones back in operation.