However, encouragingly of those surveyed, almost half (49 per cent) believe they would be more confident starting a conversation if they knew the signs.
‘R U OK? Day’ (Thursday, September 12) is a national day of action and a reminder that every day is the right day to meaningfully connect with those around us and ask the question that could change a life, “Are you OK?”
R U OK? is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with people around them and support anyone struggling with life.
So, what are the signs?
What are they saying?
• Confused or irrational
• Things that indicate a persistent drop in mood
• Difficulty switching off
• Struggling to see a future
• Believe they’re a burden on others
• They feel worthless or alone
• They feel trapped or in unbearable pain
• Talk about death, suicide and wanting to die
What are they doing?
• Changes in mood or extreme mood swings
• Withdrawing or avoiding friends, family or social situations
• Changing online behaviour
• Not enjoying hobbies or interests
• Difficulty concentrating
• Losing interest in maintaining personal hygiene or appearance
• Reckless behaviour including increased alcohol or drug use
• Changing sleep patterns
What’s going on in their life?
• Relationship breakdown
• Major health issues
• Work or home stress
• Financial difficulty
• Study pressures
• Loss of someone or something they care about.
Signs someone may not be OK
ALMOST two-thirds of Australians (63 per cent) were not confident they knew the signs that someone might be struggling with life.