
Sick rise to 24 in Cumberland

AS of Friday morning, 24 of the State’s 1,405 confirmed cases of the Covid-19 were from the Cumberland Local Government Area.

With more than 76,000 people in NSW tested for the virus and excluded since the crisis began, the Western Sydney Local Health District which includes Auburn and Westmead Hospitals, has carried out 9,336 tests with 98 positive cases.
Westmead Hospital is a designated centre for patients with highly infectious influenza diseases as well as an emergency pandemic planning centre.
However NSW’s chief medical officer Kerry Chant said 145 cases where there was an undetermined source, which were their biggest concern.
“That is the group that most concerns us because it represents community transmission without a known source,” she said.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian warned that the increasing number of community transmissions would likely mean tougher self-isolation laws.
“When it is community-to-community transmission and you don’t have a source, that means the virus is starting to spread in the community without us knowing where and that’s a concern,” she said.
“We are starting to see an increase in the spread from unknown sources and that’s why we are stepping up the compliance, we are stepping up the advice.”
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