
Share story for a prize win chance

Young asia student study in the public library, She making note on notebook and using laptop

DO you have a story to tell? Does the idea of seeing your name at the top of a page of great writing full of terrific ideas thrill you?

Or would you like to be able to write better and learn from the best?
The Living Stories Western Sydney Writing Prize is an annual writing competition with an overall prize pool of $10,000 – it’s an opportunity to tell your story, responding to this year’s theme, ‘Things Unsaid’.
To help you get on your way, Granville Library will host writing workshops conducted by WestWords in the school holidays from April 13-21 for children (10-12 years, 13-15 years and 16-18 years) and adults.
“The past two years have changed the world, and it has changed our experience of it,” a WestWords spokesperson said.
“At times the world got smaller when we didn’t venture out our front doors. Much of what we took for granted was lost. We re-evaluated our lives on so many levels. We discovered new things about ourselves, about others, and yet so many things have been left unsaid.
“Living Stories is your opportunity to share your story. If you are 10 years or older we want your piece of writing responding to the theme, ‘Things Unsaid’.”
Entries – up to a 500-word maximum – close at midnight on Sunday, May 1; for more info and to enter, go to
With numbers limited for the writing workshops, book early by calling 8757 9061 or emailing