
Services could expand at sites

Cr Kun Huang wants Council’s administrative services expanded and made more accessible for all residents.

RESIDENTS should be able to access Cumberland Council’s basic administrative services closer to where they live, says Councillor Kun Huang.

At Wednesday’s council meeting, he called for a report in “relation to the existing administrative services offered at the council’s customer service centres, community centres and libraries”.
While the council’s two services centres at Auburn and Merrylands, offer a range of face to face functions, some other services are also available at the council’s eight local libraries and three community centres.
Voicing his support for the move, Cr Suman Saha said it was a good opportunity for councillors to look at the services they provided, with a report helping them make an informed decision about potentially expanding the services on offer at different locations.
Cr Huang said receiving unanimous support for his proposal was “a big win” for local residents.
“Residents shouldn’t need to have to drive their cars around to Auburn or Merrylands to access basic council administrative services,” Cr Huang said.
“The council should be able to provide basic services to resident across Cumberland Council community facilities.
“Once the report is received, I would seek to expand appropriate administrative services across Cumberland Council.”
Cr Huang also asked about the feasibility and costs of giving residents the option of selecting a language other than English when they’re calling the customer services number, although he accepted an amendment to limit the initial inquiry to the top five regional languages spoken in the LGA.