
Seniors on song for PCC’s ‘Christmas in July’ festivity

OVER 70 seniors have had fun singing along to their favourite carols with the Sing Australia choir at Padstow Community Care’s (PCC) Seniors Hub Christmas in July event.

They also enjoyed a hotly contested game of Christmas trivia while snacking on festive-themed treats and complimentary coffee.
Regular hub attendee John Grinsell said he looked forward to gathering at the hub for his free coffee every Wednesday, 9am-noon, with the first Wednesday of the month also serving as an information day with a guest speaker.
“Not only is the coffee delicious but I’ve made friends with people whose paths I never would have crossed,” he said.
“The Christmas in July event was extra special with delicious food and everyone getting into the festive spirit with the carols and trivia.
“I certainly wouldn’t have wanted to miss out on it, everyone’s always welcome and we all really look forward to our Wednesdays now.”
PCC’s Coffee Haven cafe is also open to all residents from Wednesday to Friday, 8am-2pm.